Mass effect combat drone
Mass effect combat drone

So that about covers my favorite team for soldiers. Tali's 25% Power Damage suit would work good with her since it would boost damage from the Drones. It will also allow you to disable weaponry or turn a Mech on their team members.

mass effect combat drone

This is mainly used against Geth to turn them against one another and can be really useful. And for the final touch, you have sabotage. This will also let Tali steal some of that energy and revive her downed shields. Also Tali has Energy Drain which will be useful against shielded enemies. The defense drone only really needs to be used when enemies are getting close but even still the combat drone could still be effective. Place this on any part of the battle field and you've got yourself a fourth squad member to deal out some heavy damage. First thing that she needs is her Combat drone equipped with long range rockets. She will be your Tech salvation in dog fights and will play a valuable role in defense. Now the thing about Tali is that she is an incredible assest. This way you will be taking people out fast and more efficiently. It would also be a good idea to equip her with her alternative appearance the one which grants a 25% increase to her Power Recharge Speed. Stasis also adds a nice touch to the team, allowing you to stop shielded enemies in their tracks. Also if you upgrade her Warp Ammo that damage to barriers and armor can partially transfer over to your character. Her only downfall is the fact that she is easily the weakest character in the shield department so I recommend boosting her Fitness first and foremost.

mass effect combat drone

Liara can easily decimate armor and barriers with her warp ability and clear a group of people with ease with her singularity. For me, I am a soldier, so I need Biotics and Tech to compliment my inability to properly take out shield and barriers.

mass effect combat drone

Mass Effect 3 Best Combos for all Shepardsįirst, based off of what character you play will ultimately determine what team you should play with.

Mass effect combat drone